Were you Inspired by Nanny Mary's letter?
Submit your own letter today, it only takes a few minutes and it will help show the public are ready and willing to take action on climate change – and we need the government to act now.
To my two dear granddaughters Vi & Ivy,
Though you are too young just yet to worry about what is happening to our planet, your home, I am concerned that we grown-ups are not doing a very good job of looking after it for you. What we have done in the past has often not been at all good. We have been selfish, choosing to do things only for ourselves, and harming the environment around us. Now we know better and have learnt the things we need to do to improve the world around us and its climate, I hope we can all try really hard to change things. We do need the people who govern our countries all over the world to start working together now over this too.
I am sorry we have messed up in the past, but I live my life now totally to improve your world and future in it. I try to help our wild animals and plants to have somewhere to live so they will be there for you to know them too and enjoy their beauty. I hope everyone can think about caring for your futures before wasting any more of earth's precious resources.
All my love,
Nanny Mary
Submit your own letter today, it only takes a few minutes and it will help show the public are ready and willing to take action on climate change – and we need the government to act now.
The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change. Find out how you can get involved.