Were you Inspired by Paul's letter?
Submit your own letter today, it only takes a few minutes and it will help show the public are ready and willing to take action on climate change – and we need the government to act now.
To English Government,
You must build a full environmental green country, starting with new house build with full insulation,solar panels, solar charging bank, eco chargers, LED light bulbs, energy monitor, smart radio thermostat, compost bin, water tank built underground in garden, solar garden lights. All of above must in every new house built in UK.
Every city with electric trams, better cheaper transport system, more green parks, more Tree planting, more investment in uk agriculture. Cleaner energy but not Fracking. Educate more children in school about the green environment because they will benefit from it. Invest in Green Scientists.
Submit your own letter today, it only takes a few minutes and it will help show the public are ready and willing to take action on climate change – and we need the government to act now.
The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change. Find out how you can get involved.